About Me

I am a wife and mother, a keen crafter and reader, lover of the outdoors and top nommer of chocolate. Most of my time is spent being busy with My Little Crafter so I have precious little opportunity to do any of that (except possibly eat chocolate, as long as I am very secret about it!).

I started card-making about ten years ago, but really got the bug in 2010.  I then got infected with a love of scrapbooking, which I now might enjoy even more than card making because I get to keep my creative attempts.  I primarily stamp but I also have a serious weakness for beautiful paper as my groaning supplies will attest.

I have had a long blogging break while I adjusted to being "mummy", but I am trying to get back into the swing of it as I love looking at what other people are making and hope that, similarly, some of the things I make might inspire you! I also hope that maintaining my blog again would inspire and discipline me to make a little regular downtime for myself to enjoy the wonderful hobby that is crafting.  I know I won't have the time to craft and reply to comments though, so I have decided to disable commenting, as much as I love hearing from other crafters.

My Little Crafter is now getting to the age where she is enjoying to scribble a little and do some sticking.  Some of it sometimes even ends up on a piece of paper, though glue and paint do taste yummy apparently.  She has her own special craft supplies because in spite of my regular instructions to "share nicely", I don't trust her with my stuff yet!

My Little Crafter and I also love playing with our two six-month old kittens, Wispa and Rolo.  These are new additions to the Furry Tale family since I took my blogging break.  Our previous cat, Socrates, or Socks to his friends, after whom this blog was originally named, sadly died in January.  We couldn't have a feline-free house for long, and Wispa and Rolo are absolutely bonkers so naturally fit right in!

So welcome to my relaunched blog!  If you'd like to know anymore about things I post on here, drop me an email to furrytalecardsATgmail.com

Blogger template designed By The Sunday Studio.